Wednesday, September 10, 2008

In with the new

So my family is finally "out with the old" when it comes to furniture. The "in-with-the-new" part has yet to happen, but my parents have been shopping around. They saw these pieces of furniture and have it all on layaway. They want to decide if it will be the right choice. I'd like to hear what you think. Personally, I love all of it. (Keep in mind; we have a brown floor, there will be a red oriental rug on it that looks kinda like this)

Here's the sofa. (There's also a love seat and chair that look just like it. Oh, and it's leather.)

And the coffee table: (again, there'll be end tables that look just like the coffee table)

and my parents' bedroom set: (that's a night table there, not sure if they're also getting a tall dresser, but it's possible.)

Give me your opinions! (you don't have to go through a long process to put comments on my blog here, just go right ahead and you'll see it's easier than emailing me your answer.)


Tony U said...

Looks very nice, specially the sofas, i'd keep in mind tho that the sofa are light color meaning more maintenance. also, does Benjamin use the furniture as a canvas? other than that, it looks good.

Anonymous said...

I love the bedroom set, nice . I also like the sofas...they would look nice with some throw pillows that bring in some colors to the room that you like, a color that contrast the beige.
I am not crazy about the tables in the living room...
Jeannie Jimenez

Unknown said...

I think all pieces are awesome. That sofa is really nice.